
Chi è il restaurant manager: cosa fa e cosa studiare per diventarlo

New figures in the restaurant industry: who is the restaurant manager and what does he do? Have you already heard of the restaurant manager? Literally translated it would be the "restaurant manager", that is the reference figure inside the room ....

Who is a restaurant manager: what he does and what to study to become one

New figures in the restaurant industry: who is the restaurant manager and what does he do? Have you already heard of the restaurant manager? Literally translated it would be the "restaurant manager", that is the reference figure inside the room ....

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Carbonara Day con i bottoni firmati Davide Marzullo

Every April 6th is Carbonara Day , one of the most iconic dishes in Italian cuisine. Among the most imitated and revisited. For the occasion, we asked a young and talented chef to interpret this much loved dish. Davide Marzullo , award-winning...

Carbonara Day with Davide Marzullo buttons

Every April 6th is Carbonara Day , one of the most iconic dishes in Italian cuisine. Among the most imitated and revisited. For the occasion, we asked a young and talented chef to interpret this much loved dish. Davide Marzullo , award-winning...

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