Let's find out what about some culinary students at Congusto Institute. What are they doing today? They are often inexperienced, but at Congusto they find the space to start giving shape to their dreams.
New generations of chefs, pastry chefs, restaurant managers and bakers, after following the training course, take off in the food and wine world. At school they are led by the Teaching Director Roberto Carcangiu, chef, business consultant and teacher trainer, a leading figure in the entire panorama, and by the Pastry Director of the courses dedicated to pastry making and white arts, Marco Pedron. « Here, we tell young people about everyday life and the real values of a profession, explains Roberto Carcangiu . We don't create recipes but we train future professionals capable of helping culinary businesses. We are aware that we have the difficult task of cultivating important human capital ."
Discover the story about two culinary students.
Matthew Hu

Matteo attended the course to become a chef. He comes from Lecco and his goal immediately seemed very clear: to become a professional chef. His experience in the catering sector is linked to the family business, but there is a great desire to learn as much as possible outside of that context, to learn all the techniques and fully develop his own skills. After the period in the classroom, during the internship phase he was welcomed at Ceresio7 with its magnificent terrace overlooking the city, by chef Elio Sironi, who immediately identified his aptitude and potential. Now, Matteo works at Ceresio and he is enthusiastic about it! " I have been working with chef Sironi for about a year - says Matteo - and when he decided to hire me I understood that I would have a unique opportunity, here I have learned and am still learning a lot ". And the future? “ Travel, have international experiences and then come back home with an even richer and more varied culinary baggage ”.
Luljieta Sulko

Luljeta is fulfilling her dream: to be a professional cook. Of Albanian origins, she has been in Italy for a while where she discovered how Italian cuisine, so varied and rich, is of great inspiration. The training period in the cooking school laboratories allowed her to lay the foundations of a profession that is certainly difficult, but which offers a lot of satisfaction if done with passion and dedication. Luljeta is really passionate and she got the chance to do an internship at the Ratanà restaurant in Milan, a temple of innovation of traditional Milanese cuisine, in chef Cesare Battisti's team. When, immediately after the internship, she received the offer to join the staff, it was pure joy for her. " At Ratanà I worked on the main courses, now I follow the appetizers, but I still have a lot to learn and I am convinced that I ended up in the right place at the right time ", Luljeta tells us. Projects? " I started from scratch and I've really made a lot of progress this last year, I know I still have to improve myself and for now I'm focusing on ongoing experiences".